Tips on Keeping Your Skin Healthy in Dry Winter Months

Tips on Keeping Your Skin Healthy in Dry Winter Months| Skintherapy

Winter is a tough time for your skin, but with the right skincare routine you can overcome the dry air and dreary days to maintain healthy, beautiful skin. The key is knowing which products to use, and how to adjust your normal routine to account for harsh weather. These tips will help you maintain a healthy beautiful glow throughout the year.

1: Avoid skin irritants in your facial products

Common irritants like alcohol and fragrance can amplify skin irritation. This leads to redness, as well as itchy, dry, and flaky skin. If your skin is sensitive, it’s also a good idea to avoid fragrances, since these ingredients can cause irritation too.

2: Follow a skincare routine

Having a regular skincare routine can significantly improve skin health—that’s true all year round, but especially in the winter months. Regularly cleansing skin to remove dead skin cells, using a gentle toner, serum, and moisturizer at least once a day can prevent damage from harsh winter conditions. It’s much easier to keep skin healthy than to try and repair it after it gets damaged.

3: Don’t skip SPF

Sometimes it’s difficult to remember sunscreen in the winter months, especially if you live in a colder climate. You probably aren’t planning to do any sunbathing in that sub-30-degree weather, but the skin on your face is still exposed. The sun’s rays are just as potent in the winter as they are in the summer. In fact, the sun’s rays can be even more damaging if you’re outside participating in winter sports, because the sun reflects off the snow. So keep your face and neck covered every day by using a sunscreen with a minimum of 15 to 30 SPF.

4: Moisturize at the right time

If you put moisturizer on whenever your skin seems dry, you might be missing some of the benefits. Your skin will absorb more of the moisturizer when it’s damp, so adding moisturizer soon after cleansing your face, or after you get out of a bath or shower, means more of the hydrating benefits will get into your skin layers.

5: Add an extra nighttime skincare step

While you sleep, your skin is repairing the damage from the previous day. So first, you want to make sure you get plenty of sleep. Second, talk to a skincare consultant about adding an extra step to your nighttime skin routine to include serums, masks, or toners that have moisture-boosting ingredients.

6: Pay attention to what goes in your body too

Many people think about skincare products to take care of dry skin, but supplements and diet can also play a role in skin health. Take a supplement product that includes skin-boosting ingredients like omega 3, 6, and 9. Examine your diet as well, and add healthy fats like avocados, nuts and seeds, and lots of fruits and veggies. Then make sure you get plenty of water so your whole body stays hydrated.

Talk to a Skintherapy Skincare Professional to Learn More

Find out more ways you can improve your skin with high-quality products formulated to improve skin texture, reduce acne breakouts, and give you the glowing skin you want. Schedule a consultation with a Skintherapy professional today.

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