Many acne sufferers seek treatment from a doctor or dermatologist but discover that, if the treatments worked at all, the problem soon came back. Dermatologists treat with harsh medications that can dry out the skin and, even worse, pose a high risk for side effects.
The secret to getting your acne under control doesn’t come from some magical medication. It comes from adopting a comprehensive management program, personalized for you by a true skin expert – a master esthetician.
Acne is a chronic skin condition that occurs due to a combination of factors, including hormonal imbalances and genetic traits.
When certain hormone levels increase in the body, it causes the pores to produce an excess of oil. For most people, this fact in itself does not pose an acne problem. However, some people have a genetic trait that causes them to shed skin cells multiple times each day. This excess shedding of skin cells, combined with an increase in skin oil production, leads to clogged pores. Within these clogged pores, bacteria grows and inflammation develops, leading to troublesome acne.
Treating with prescription medications cannot target all the factors that underly the development of acne. And, once these treatments are discontinued, these issues inevitably recur.
To effectively address acne, we must treat it the same way you would any type of chronic illness – with a comprehensive management program.
Estheticians are trained and experienced skin experts who take the time to analyze the skin and identify the specific factors that are causing your problems. If you visit a dermatologist, you might get five or ten minutes of the doctor’s time. If you visit an esthetician, you will receive extensive, personalized attention and care.
At a skincare and acne treatment clinic like Skintherapy, you will benefit from the extensive training and experience of a master esthetician. We identify all the issued contributing to your acne and design a personalized acne treatment and management program.
But that’s just the beginning. We monitor your progress and adjust your regimen as needed, to ensure that you keep improving. And, once we have your acne under control, we give you the tools and products you need to ensure your skin stays clear in the future.
When you visit Skintherapy Acne Clinic, we guide you through making any necessary lifestyle changes and provide you with a customized skincare regimen designed to get your acne under control and keep it that way. We combine these techniques with proven treatments – such as chemical peels – to help you achieve the clear skin you’ve dreamed of.
Our founder, Master Esthetician Jil Goorman, is truly an acne guru. We have assisted clients with skin-related issues for more than 10 years and we have the safe, effective and affordable programs that will let you feel good in your own skin again. Contact our Salt Lake City acne treatment clinic today to learn more about our comprehensive services, including personalized and effective acne treatment by a master esthetician.
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