When it comes to skin no two people are alike, so why is it that most skincare products and regimens are designed for basically anyone and everyone? While there are some underlying products and ingredients that are beneficial to help most people keep their skin clean and clear, having a more personalized skincare regimen can help you avoid skin problems like dryness, acne, and sensitivity. A more personalized approach is even more important if you have bad breakouts or suffer from embarrassing and difficult acne.
There are a lot of different skin types out there, and for many people the old approach of just using any cleanser, toner, and moisturizer just won't cut it to keep your skin clean and help you fight breakouts. Skincare experts understand that it's important to find the right combination of products that uniquely addresses your needs. If you are currently shopping at a local drugstore or supermarket to get your skincare products and you are not seeing the results you want, stop guessing at what you should be doing and instead get a personalized skincare consultation. An expert can help determine the right products, the right concentration levels, and the right combination to get the skin you want.
There are a lot of different beauty and skincare products you can select, and shopping for them might raise a lot of questions for you. Do you need a serum? When should you be using face masks? Are all moisturizers the same, or are there some that you should use in the morning versus the night?
With so many different skincare products available, it can be difficult to know exactly what to use, in what combinations, and at what time of the day for maximum impact. There are also certain ingredients are aren't designed to be used together—for example, you should avoid using retinols with acids like AHAs or BHAs. A personalized skincare regimen that is designed for you will always provide the right products in the right concentrations and combinations for the best results.
As the number of facial products available continues to increase, so do the number of products with poor or unsafe ingredients. Additionally, some over-the-counter skincare products that are generally safe might not contain high enough concentrations of active ingredients to make a difference. Products that use medical-grade ingredients that are proven to fight acne are going to give you better and faster results without worrying about harmful ingredients like parabens, or suffering with skin irritations.
Teens and adults can all benefit from a personalized approach to skincare, especially if you suffer from acne and frequent breakouts. Find out more about the benefits and schedule a consultation with Skintherapy to get your own personalized regimen today.
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