What You Should Look For In An Acne Solution

One of the biggest complaints that we hear when clients come into our acne clinic are their bad experiences with past acne treatments.  Anything from a doctor pushing too hard for them to get on antibiotics or Accutane, or even telling them that everything they’d been doing up to that point that was actually working was wrong. Is it any wonder that many people leave these appointments feeling even more confused about how to treat their acne?
The average dermatologist visit lasts anywhere from 10-20 minutes. You may go into fervent detail about what your symptoms are, what products you’ve been using, and how your skin reacts to certain ingredients. At which point, the doctor may or may not closely examine your skin for a moment or two….and then suggest you get on Accutane. Perhaps you’ve read about Accutane or you’ve tried it before, or maybe you only have mild acne to begin with. You may have health concerns or mental health issues that make you skeptical if such powerful drugs are the right choice for you. But this doctor doesn’t seem to have the time or the patience to listen to your concerns and go through all the details with you--they just want to treat you and move on.
Your next appointment with them will usually be three months later. At which point, perhaps things have improved, but usually they haven’t, simply due to the fact that the initial meeting was so pressed for time and so few questions have been answered. The dermatologist may tell you at this point (even more earnestly) that you must get on prescription drugs. Or they might even tell you that you are not washing your face enough (as if you haven’t heard that before.)
By the end of this even shorter meeting, you may feel that you are your wit’s end. Many people may even stop trying to treat their acne altogether at this point because of impatient doctors and pressure to start drug trials. They’re left with scars and redness for perhaps the rest of their lives. They may never get the care they needed for their acne.
We’ve heard this story so many times from clients who come to us as a last resort. “I was rushed at my appointment” is a big one when referring to a dermatologist.
Of course, not every dermatologist or doctor is like we described above, but we hear it so often, it seems like most of the time, they simply don’t have time to treat something as “non-life threatening” as acne. But acne affects a person’s life in so many important ways; self esteem, self worth,self confidence. These are all things that a person needs to live their best life. With acne, it just makes all the most important aspects about life seem more challenging than necessary.
You don’t want acne on grad night. You don’t want acne when you’re dating someone new. You don’t want acne on your wedding day. These are all real life events that are affected badly when one has acne, without even mentioning day to day life. The struggle is real.
Let us share with you a few things you should be looking for in a good acne clinic:

  1. How much time is allotted per client per visit

A consultation should take much longer than just 10 minutes, especially if it is the first time you are meeting with someone. You want to work with someone who really listens to what you’ve tried in the past, what’s working for you now, and then discerns how bad your acne really is. Without these things, you’re not going to make the progress you desire. You’re just another patient on a clipboard. What you really need is someone who talks to about options and processes that will be most effective for you.

  1. How often they schedule to see you

To truly get acne clear, you must be seeing a professional much more than once every three months. It takes work to get acne clear. Work that may include visiting the clinic every week or every other week at first. This ensures that your skin is reacting well to products and procedures. It should seem like whoever you are working with truly cares and wants to ensure your success.

  1. They closely examine and touch your skin

It’s safe to say that many skin problems begin below the surface. Without touching the problem areas, it can be hard to tell what’s actually going on underneath. A good acne clinic will study your skin carefully so as to issue the correct and specific course of action best suited for your skin. Practically never will they recommend getting on strong prescriptions or heavy antibiotics. Your skin can get clear without them and it just takes some time with a professional to figure out how.

  1. Considers other aspects that may be affecting your acne

Acne isn’t just about genetics or products, it’s also about lifestyle. A great skincare professional will consider what other aspects of your life may be contributing to your acne. Do you workout and sweat a lot without wiping the sweat and dirt from your face and body afterward? Are you wearing enough sunscreen, even when it’s cloudy or cold outside? Are you drinking lots of milk or eating foods with too many hormones?
All of these things should be examined closely and taken into consideration. You want someone to care about clearing your acne just as much as you do! And you also want to work with someone who truly enjoys the process. This is what makes the journey of clearing acne more fun and long lasting than just trying to taking the drugs prescribed by a doctor or dermatologist. This way, you are ensured a much higher degree of success and satisfaction.
Don’t just settle for a doctor who may not have the time and energy to really help you get results. Look for the best options, clinics that offer what we mention above and more. Not only will you be much happier with your progress, but you are also much more likely to achieve the results you deserve.
Come check out our Acne Clinic.  UtahAcneClinic.com.

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