Despite what you may have heard, your diet can have a profound effect on your skin and acne flareups.
Today, we understand the inner workings of the human body much better than we did decades ago. Back then, teens and others who experienced acne were advised to avoid greasy foods, chocolate, and other foods because doctors believed they could worsen acne.
Decades later, this advice was swept under the table as being incorrect. Today, however, we know that this advice does have merit and can help get acne under control. Here’s why.
Certain foods – specifically sugar and salt – can cause inflammatory responses in the body. Inflammation is a primary culprit in the development of both teen and adult acne.
For these reasons, estheticians who specialize in acne treatment advise clients to avoid foods that contain high levels of salt or sugar. Soft drinks, for example, are especially likely to cause breakouts.
Depending on your body, other foods may cause an inflammatory response for you, or cause your skin condition to worsen for other reasons.
The most profound way your diet affects your skin is the same way what you eat affects your overall health.
When you consume junk food – unhealthy, processed foods that have little or no nutritional value – you aren’t providing the essential building blocks your body needs to keep itself in optimal condition.
When you eat junk food as a major component of your diet, you degrade your overall health. And, when you suffer from poor health related to your diet, you will see these habits reflected in your skin. You could experience acne flareups, suffer from overly oily skin, and your complexion will appear dull, lifeless and sallow.
Understanding how your diet can affect your overall health and your skin’s condition is easy. Knowing exactly what you should or should not eat is more complex.
Everyone’s skin is different, and everyone has different sensitivities that affect their complexion, but there are a few key ingredients to healthy skin that always apply. Drinking plenty of water, for instance, is vital to keeping your body’s moisture levels up. And in turn, your skin’s moisture levels.
Some studies show that certain dairy foods--especially those containing hormones--can lead to blemishes, while other research points at foods that are high in glucose like white bread, instant oatmeal, and russet potatoes.
On the other hand, foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids like salmon and tuna have been known to improve skin health over time.
The best way to determine what foods you should avoid in your diet is to consult with an acne expert, like the estheticians at Skintherapy. Our highly personalized acne treatment programs are customized to meet your specific needs. We spend a great deal of time with each client, learning about their medical history, their lifestyle, diet, and personal habits. We can then customize our recommendations for diet, skincare and other practices that are proven to get acne under control.
Contact us today to schedule your personalized consultation. We look forward to showing you how easy and affordable it can be to treat acne with the help of a professional esthetician.
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