7 Lifestyle Choices to Keep Your Acne At Bay

Want to know some secrets to clear skin? Read on for solid advice on how to keep bothersome acne from intruding on your life.

1. Working Out: Good for Your Body and Your Skin

New year, new you, right? The gym is a great place to develop strength and fitness, but did you know it is also good for your skin? According to dermatologist Ellen Marmur, working out promotes blood circulation, which carries oxygen and nutrients to the skin, cleansing it from the inside. Take special precautions though, because if you don’t cleanse or wipe sweat and dirt off your skin after a workout, you may be in for a breakout.

2. Thinking of Starting a New Diet? Try eating more Omega-3s!

Omega-3s have been around since the dawn of time. They exist in foods like blueberries, walnuts, and spinach. So-called “health foods” and natural products like leafy veggies. Rather than calling them "health foods," which sounds like something only your personal trainer would eat, we should just be calling them everyday foods. Omega-3s are important for a healthy life, but they are also vital to clear skin. Here is another article detailing why they are so important, but mostly just remember that there is a balance to clean eating and clear skin and omega-3s could be the missing link.

3. Getting Those Zzzs is More Important than You Think

Researchers say that for every hour of sleep you lose, body function goes down by 14%. That’s a lot, considering how much you need your body to operate at prime levels to live a good, happy life. One of the first things to go when you lose out on sleep is your body’s ability to revitalize your skin. That’s why after a night of no sleep, your face looks splotchy and sunken in. It can also cause breakouts if you are consistently not sleeping well or long enough. Try relaxing meditations before bedtime so you can snooze easier.

4. Drink More Water!

Drinking water helps your skin remove toxins. Researchers at UW Health in Madison, WI say that “Your skin is an organ, just like any other part of the body. Skin cells, just like any other cell, are made up of water. Without water, the organs will certainly not function at their best.” Many people report that after drinking lots of water, their skin has a radiant glow. As if there weren’t enough reasons to drink plenty of water, there’s one more: healthy, beautiful skin!

5. Meet Your New Best Friend: A Professional Esthetician

Many people who suffer from acne turn to dermatologists to help with their skin, only to find that their skin doctor may not have time to see them as often as they need to achieve the desired results. Others figure they might as well try the store brand products or even the ones they see in commercials on TV. Both end up with the same result: you still have acne, only this time, you’re wallet is lighter and your skin hasn’t changed, or may even be worse off than it was before. This is why it is vital for you to start working with someone who really knows what they’re doing when it comes to your skin. Jil Goorman founder of Skintherapy Skincare and Acne Clinic knows what it takes to clear unwanted acne and she’s had success with hundreds of clients. There’s a lot to be said about working with a professional who has the time, knowledge, and products that will give you the clear, beautiful skin you desire.

6. Cleansing 2x a Day is Key

Your daily routine is an important factor in the health of your body and skin. While there are many things to remember when trying to keep your skin clear, one of the most important is that you wash your face twice a day; once in the morning when you wake up, and once at night before you fall asleep. This ensures your skin is clean for the rest of the day and that it is also clean for a good night’s sleep. Clean skin is crucial to clear skin. Just this one habit will dramatically improve the quality of your skin.

7. Your Hair Product and Your Acne

If you have long hair, it tends to touch your face more than you realize. And if your hair products have pore-cloggers like the ones listed in this article, you are sure to experience more breakouts. Just be aware of not only what you’re using on your face, but also what’s going on your hair as well. Products like this are sure to keep your skin clear and your hair soft and luxurious.

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