If you have been battling with skin issues, you might already know that a solid acne treatment routine is one of the best ways to get problem breakouts under control. Unfortunately, when fighting the battle with acne, things might seem to be taking longer than you would like.
If you’re looking for a few easy ways to help boost your acne treatment regimen – and speed up the path to clear skin – here are some simple tips that can help.
Research has shown that diet may indeed have an impact on acne. Specifically, a high-glycemic index diet has been linked to an increase in skin problems related to acne vulgaris. Avoiding foods such containing sugar, along with refined foods such as white bread, cookies, chips, cereal, pasta, etc., can help keep your skin looking and feeling great. It’s also a good idea to avoid or minimize alcohol consumption.
Replace these troublesome foods with healthy proteins, fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
If you have problems with breakouts, you might also have the urge or inclination to pick at your blemishes. Unfortunately, picking can cause all kinds of additional problems. Specifically, picking leads to an increase in scar tissue and hyperpigmentation. Even worse, picking can significantly extend the time required to clear up acne flareups.
For help with this challenge, check out our tips to stop picking at your skin.
Lurking within many of the most popular skincare products – including cleansers, moisturizers, sunscreen and even hair conditioner – are a wide variety of poor-clogging, skin-irritating ingredients. Many products marketed at organic, noncomedogenic or even formulated for acne-prone skin can clog your pores and exacerbate skin problems. Some prescription products even contain one of these pore-clogging ingredients.
In reality, the best approach is to use only those acne skin care products that have been custom formulated for acne-prone skin.
As hard as you might try to fight this battle on your own, one of the best ways to overcome acne problems is to get help from a professional expert.
The good news is that you don’t have to see a medical specialist to get the help you need. Finding an experienced esthetician who specializes in acne treatment might be the answer you’ve been looking for.
In Salt Lake City, the Skintherapy acne treatment clinic can help. Rather than prescribing harsh chemical treatments or potentially risky medications, we tackle the problem at its source. Once we have identified the issues causing your problems, we can guide you through the process of getting – and keeping – your skin clear.
Contact us now to learn more about our personalized acne treatment and our professional acne clinic in Salt Lake City.
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