The internet is never short on advice for curing whatever might ail you. When it comes to skincare advice – particularly acne treatment – you can find literally thousands of online articles and videos offering advice.
However, before you turn to TikTok for your skin treatment advice, stop to consider that this kind of advice could be more harmful than beneficial.
Anyone who suffers from acne-prone skin needs to tread carefully in how they care for their face and what products they use for skincare, makeup, sunscreen, etc. Here, the experienced team from Skintherapy Skincare & Acne Clinic has advice on some of the “hottest” acne treatment trends that you should avoid.
Recently, many so-called internet “experts” (which are typically influencers with no qualifications or knowledge about treating acne) have been offering up their own recipes for making skincare products such as scrubs and moisturizers. Unless the “expert” has actual qualifications or can provide research to back up their claims, you could be causing yourself more trouble in the future.
Today, you can go on Amazon and purchase virtually any type of cosmetic treatment device imaginable. This ranges from blue light therapy devices to laser wands and beyond. This first challenge these devices present is that most are designed for consumer use, which means they are likely little more than gizmos that don’t provide any benefit. However, some of these devices can actually lead to skin damage that could leave you with worsening acne and even potential scarring.
You might think that masks and peels are helpful for stripping away dirt and oils from your face – and they can be, in some cases – however, they are more likely to be stripping away more than just topical debris. In fact, the ingredients contained in many masks can strip away all the natural, beneficial oils from your face. They can even strip away healthy skin cells. The result is irritated, overly dry skin, which makes the perfect breeding ground for acne flareups.
This is not to say that you can’t use natural products on your skin. However, it is important that you identify the specific ingredients contained in any skincare product. Many natural and even organic ingredients can cause skin irritation and clogged pores. Consult a list of pore-clogging ingredients and you will quickly find some of the most popular natural product ingredients, such as cocoa butter and coconut oil.
So, if you can’t turn to the internet to get advice on acne treatments, how can you find the help you need to get your skin issues under control? If you need to treat acne in Salt Lake City, turn to the Skintherapy team for help.
Since 2008, we have been helping people get the clear skin they’ve dreamed of – and helped them maintain it for the future. Contact us now to learn more about our treatments or to schedule your consultation to treat acne in Salt Lake City.
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