A Staph infection can be tricky to spot because it can look similar to acne. The difference lies in that Staph quickly becomes incredibly inflamed and there isn’t an obvious border where one lesion ends and another begins.
It’s important to know that the Staphylococci bacteria lives on the skin of 20 to 30% of healthy adults but only affects a small percentage of the population. It usually only causes infections and disease if the immune system is compromised (HIV or diabetes) or if there is a cut or abrasion on the skin and the person is a carrier of the harmful strains of this bacteria.
It can be a scary thing to deal with, but it can be dealt with. It can occur more frequently for people who shave a lot and accidentally nick the skin. Also for people who workout, particularly if the workout is in a martial art where skin is rubbing against mats or against other people’s skin, where it can be transferred easily. Showering after any workout is also a must.
As mentioned above, Staph bacteria is typically harmless. Most people live with it on their skin in some form or another and it never bothers them. There are over 30 different strains and only a couple of them are dangerous. So how do you spot it?
It usually looks like a boil or a giant pimple. It can also look like a rash and is quite painful. If it becomes hot to the touch and spreads rapidly, it could be infected with the dangerous strain of Staph bacteria so it’s worth it to get a second opinion. It’s also worthwhile to note that this bacteria lives mostly on the skin and inside the nasal passages, as they are more sensitive areas.
If you think you may have a Staph infection, you will want to speak to a doctor on this issue. Many times, they will recommend an oral antibiotic which should help immediately with the infection. They may also suggest that you are hyper diligent with your hygiene and keep your bedding and clothes as clean as possible. Depending on how bad the infection is, the doctor may also see about getting you an IV drip for supportive care.
Getting this checked out early is of the utmost importance because if the most virulent strains of Staph infect the blood somehow (via cuts or food poisoning), symptoms will be more severe and require immediate medical attention. For these reasons, never extract or squeeze pimples or boils as they can become infected with the Staph bacteria and it will spread rapidly. The more critical symptoms include but are not limited to; fever, chills, pain in the abdomen or on the skin, blisters, impetigo, redness, diarrhea, nausea, and swollen sores that ooze pus.
This bacteria is no joke! Getting help if you think you may have a Staph infection is crucial to long term health. However, they can also be recurrent, meaning once you stop taking antibiotics, it could come back. So catching it early and taking the proper precautions to avoid future infection is very important.
It is imperative to talk to your doctor about this condition if you have these symptoms or have a boil or rash that just won’t go away. It could literally save your life.
Here at Skintherapy, we are Master Estheticians. We are not doctors and we cannot treat Staph infections in our clinic. However, if you come to an appointment and we feel like your acne may be coupled with suspicious infected lesions we will make a doctor referral for you prior to working on your acne. Give us a call at 801-800-6602 or visit our website to book at appointment to treat your acne.
Ever notice how sometimes your cheeks flare up bright red when you’re blushing or eating spicy food? Or maybe nothing even happened and your cheeks are still rosy as a ripe tomato. Maybe it’s really humid and your skin has decided to look hot and aggravated, even though you’ve been inside in a temperature controlled environment all day.
It can begin when you just blush or flush more easily than other people. The redness may spread from the cheeks and nose to other areas of the body such as the ears, chest, and back.
The sad truth is, these are all symptoms of Rosacea. According to the American Academy of Dermatology there are four sub types of Rosacea
Today we are going to talk about the most common type, which is simply referred to as Papulopustular Rosacea or Acne Rosacea.
On the skin, Rosacea may just look like rosy cheeks. Other times small pimple-like bumps can break out on the skin. Many times it will include broken blood vessels spread out across the cheeks and nose.
Rosacea can be exacerbated by environmental changes (moving from a hot area to a cool one and vice versa, too much exposure to sunlight, cold wind) to the foods you eat, particularly spicy food. Alcohol can also be a major trigger. Other drinks such as coffee and tea can also be triggers.
There are a few ways we like to manage Acne Rosacea here at Skintherapy. The first thing we want to do is take a look at the skin and determine the severity of the condition.
The next thing we usually do is pick a cleanser to help with oiliness. The go-to in this situation would be our BPO Wash. Not only does it help combat oily skin but it also helps with the redness that accompanies Rosacea. This will help manage the inflammation and irritation.
Another excellent product we like to use in our clinic is our Exfoliating Serum #1 which assists in sloughing off dead skin cells and disinfecting skin. This serum also aids in the therapeutic reduction of redness.
For a toner, we love to use our Calming Toner or the Oily Skin Toner. Both of these help calm and and clarify irritated skin. Make your choice dependant on how oily or sensitive your skin is. Both of these are great products, but we can always help you choose which one is the best for your skin if you’d prefer some guidance.
We always recommend visiting us for a consultation before buying or ordering products, but if you are in a bind, at the end of your rope, the products listed above will be of great use to you. Never be afraid to reach out to us with any further questions or added assistance, or simply to book your appointment today.
If you do have Acne Rosacea, remember that you are not alone! Here’s a list of famous actors and actresses who also have Rosacea:
We look forward to helping you with your Acne and Acne Rosacea.
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