Who doesn’t love a delicious slice of pizza on a Friday night? Or an appetizing cheeseburger while out to lunch with friends? Greasy foods have become a staple called “American Food” and rightly so. There’s nothing more American than throwing some hot dogs on the grill and serving them up for the whole neighborhood. These types of foods are delicious. That’s why they’re so popular. The only problem is they’re heavy in omega 6 essential fatty acids and incredibly laden with grease and other ingredients that aren’t conducive to a healthy diet or healthy skin.

Let’s take pizza, for example. Pizza is usually made with iodized salt, which aggravates acne. Another prime ingredient (or culprit, if you will) in pizza is cheese. Cheese contains dairy, which contains IG1 or insulin-growth factor and over 60 different hormones. These hormones occur naturally whether the cow is organically raised, fed, etc. or not.  Since all cows which produce milk are pregnant all milk products are laden with extra hormones naturally.  Extra hormones competing with human hormone levels means more breakouts for the acne prone person.

As you can see, it’s not as cut and dry as “Do greasy foods make me break out?” as much as “What ingredients in food could make me break out?”

Internally, greasy foods don’t do much for you health-wise, as I’m sure we’re all aware. Externally, greasy foods can give you a nice little breakout around your lips, cheeks, and chin if you’re not careful, as grease is great at clogging pores. This is not to say you should avoid these foods altogether. Just be aware of how often and how much you consume them. Plus take an interest in what other ingredients these foods might contain. Iodized salt, Canola Oil, Soy Bean Oil, Milk products etc., are all known aggravators of acne.

While we suggest reducing the amounts of greasy foods you enjoy you might consider adding supplements to your daily routine also. Even if you already have a good handle on what foods you consume and just want to add something to help with your acne, you might want to consider taking the following vitamins and supplements.

Healthy Skin Formula
Healthy Skin Formula is a vitamin supplement cocktail that has been recommended by skin care professionals for over 15 years. It’s got zinc, vitamin A, selenium, and more to boost your skin’s health and beauty.

Fish Oil
Earlier in this article, I mentioned how American foods are high in omega 6. Omega 6s are highly inflammatory, and therefore cause a lot of acne in adults and young adults. Fish Oil contains omega 3, which balances out all the inflammation in your diet. It helps calm acne and gets your skin clear faster.

Culturelle Probiotic
Want to help your digestion in the best way possible? Include Culturelle Probiotic in your diet. It aids in digestion and adds good bacteria and probiotics to your system. Probiotics are good for reducing breakouts and can help those who have been on long-term antibiotics.

For more help in creating the best lifestyle for clear skin, visit our office 1817 S Main Street, #18 Salt Lake City, UT 84115. Or click here to book your appointment today.

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