They say there is a light at the end of the tunnel when it comes to acne, which is the adage that it’s “just a phase. You grow out of it. It won’t last forever.”
It’s these popular beliefs that keep kids going. In fact, if you ask many adolescents, they might tell you that their acne will just go away on its own eventually. Which is the case for some people. But the truth is, for most folks, acne doesn’t just go away once you hit a certain age.
Many people believe that acne is caused by skin not being cleaned well enough-- as if acne is caused merely by being dirty and is easily fixed by simply cleaning the skin. The fact of the matter is the true culprits are hereditary and mostly have to do with hormones. This is why teenagers are so likely to break out. It is due to the dramatic fluctuation in hormone levels during adolescence. Testosterone increases, triggering the secretion of excess oil in the sebaceous glands. Bacteria and dead skin get trapped in the pores, resulting in acne breakouts.
Adult acne, on the other hand, is caused by slower skin turnover that happens along with excess oil production, sweating, and hormonal changes that come with getting older.
It’s estimated that 80-85 percent of teens experience acne breakouts. Adult acne, which is characterized by flares and remissions throughout your entire life, is fairly common amongst those who have suffered from adolescent acne.
Things that can affect adult acne range from stress levels to the food you eat, what cosmetics you wear, and how much sleep you’re getting. To make matters worse, if you are a woman, acne is much more likely to last longer and be more severe than it would be for your typical male counterpart. This is due to fluctuating hormones, changes in testosterone levels, birth control, and even menopause. Approximately 25% of men are affected by adult acne, whereas 50% of women experience it at least once in their lifetime.
Now, when we are asked how long it takes to clear acne with our treatments here at Skintherapy, our usual response is 6 months to a year. How do we get those results in such a short period of time?
Most people need one form of treatment or another to fully treat acne. We implement a wide range of options, giving us the opportunity to provide a regiment that doesn’t over-dry or under-deliver. Proper use of topical treatments, such as toners, moisturizers, and ingredients like salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide are essential to help control breakouts and prevent scarring.
It is good to remember that acne has no cure, but it can be cleared away with the right treatments. In some people, acne clears soon after leaving their teenage years behind. However, most people are not that lucky.
For most people who work with us, our acne treatments produce positive results within the first 3-6 months of starting. We help people keep their acne under control, even those who didn’t get to see the end of their acne until their senior years.
It is good to keep in mind that there are lifestyle changes you can make to reduce flare-ups and help control your acne. Eating well, sleeping well, and keeping stress levels low are great ways to combat breakouts. Also, remember to be careful what kind of makeup you’re using and avoid pore-cloggers in your products.
If you want to see the results the typical person has working with us, check out this page of our website. For any questions, or to set up an appointment, give us a call at 801-800-6602. We are located in Salt Lake City, UT.
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