Perioral Dermatitis is a skin condition that look like a combination of acne and rosacea. It usually starts with a bumpy rash or dryness around the mouth area and may spread to the rest of the face and neck. In some severe cases it can even spread all the way down the back.

The exact cause is not known but generally it can be linked to steroid overuse and certain ingredients like Sodium Lauryl Sulfate which exists in some toothpastes (here’s a list of best SLS-Free Toothpastes). Other triggers can be food related, stress, allergies, or hormones.

Many dermatologists recommend antibiotics to treat Perioral Dermatitis, but it can often be treated with topical products and a watchful diet. Often antibiotics take over a month to start working, so finding the right products to get started is important.

The most effective method for dealing with Perioral Dermatitis that we have found is the Exfoliating Serum Lite, which works great for sensitive skin, like that of most people who suffer from Perioral Dermatitis. It’s a mandelic acid that not only helps with this disorder, but also helps ease redness, irritation, and acne.

We also advocate certain diet changes, like eating fewer acidic foods like tomatoes and strawberries. Foods like these can trigger more breakouts in the long run. Avoiding foods high in processed sugar also helps.

Oftentimes, Perioral Dermatitis can show up out of nowhere, even sporadically overnight. It starts like a small rash and will generally develop bigger, dryer spots that are not helped  with just an over-the-counter moisturizer. For best results, stop any use of occlusive products and replace them with something like this Moisture Gel.

Topical corticosteroids (including hydrocortisone) appear to be one of the biggest risk factors when it comes to this condition and it is vital to discontinue use of them on the skin. If you have been prescribed them by a doctor, ask for a good alternative to use instead.

It’s a good idea to get an appointment with a trusted esthetician or dermatologist as soon as the rash forms to mitigate the effects. The good news is it is not contagious and can be taken care of after a period of time.

Whether or not to take Accutane (or Isotretinoin) is no small decision, as it has some serious side effects that come along with taking it. Although countless personal and medical trials have been done on it since its release in the early 1980s, there are a lot of side effects that you should be aware of before starting on this drug. Here we will start with some of the short-term side effects.

Accutane’s most common side effect is dry lips, almost always described as “painful and persistent.” Can be treated with lip balms and products like Aquaphor, but these do not actually make the dryness go away, just abates it for a short while. Besides dry lips, there’s also extremely dry skin, which can last beyond the time the drugs are taken for some patients. This dry skin has been characterized as “½ inch chunks falling off at a time,” which was sometimes helped by moisturizers, but not all the time. All patients describe extreme caution when it comes to exposure to the sun, as Accutane causes skin fragility and thinness, therefore sunburns develop much more easily and severely. Hair loss is another common but not as serious side-effect. However, this particular reaction seems to be more prevalent in men than in women.

Other frequent side effects include extreme fatigue, headaches, and brain fog.

The longer-term side effects of Accutane can be more subtle but other times far more serious. Many users of this drug report having continual dry eyes after they stop taking it. Some describe this as painful at worst and annoying at best. The more serious side effects include damage to the intestinal lining, leading to Irritable Bowel Syndrome or even Crohn's Disease. Besides the possibility of an inflamed intestinal disease, there are other factors like joint and body aches, which can vary from mild discomfort to being nearly in constant pain.

Among the more serious side effects of taking Accutane, mental health is often affected. Patients have often reported some sort of depression, anxiety, or wild mood swings related to Accutane and a smaller percentage even report more serious mental health issues. It is always recommended that you talk to your doctor or healthcare professional if these symptoms occur with you.

A lot of people turn to Accutane when they think they don’t have any other choice. Unfortunately, many dermatologists are all too happy to prescribe it so patients will receive quick results. But oftentimes, these results come at a cost. We talk about many of the side effects here in this blog, but have barely mentioned all of them, some of which include long term fertility issues and horrible problems with pregnancy if it occurs while taking the drug. Most often, doctors will prescribe termination as becoming pregnant on this drug causes huge problems for the fetus.

Accutane is a serious solution to a dire problem, but it is NOT the only solution. In fact, it is one that we most often recommend is not even necessary.

You may have tried everything you can think of; chemical exfoliation, drugstore acne remedies, facials, you name it. And nothing worked. That doesn’t mean that you simply have to turn to drugs like Accutane. It is a not the easy way out.

Far more beneficial to your well being would be to find a skin care professional who deals with mostly acne. Dermatologists can see acne as a frivolous problem that can be treated easily with drugs, but that is not the case! You want to be more than a chart in a doctor’s long list of patients. Find someone who has time to actually take a deep look at your skin and find a viable solution without drugs. Not only is it possible, but it is much better for your long term health than seeing someone who immediately tries to put you on drugs.

Believe it or not, acne can be treated topically, with products on the skin. We know this because that’s exactly what we do everyday. In the same amount of time it would take to get clear with Accutane, we can also get your skin clear, but without any of the nasty side effects of serious drugs (perhaps some dry skin, but that’s it, and easily fixable!)

Acne affects so many aspects of our daily lives. If you have acne, chances are your self-esteem is down the drain and you just want to stay inside, sometimes not even wanting to spend time with friends and family because it is so bad. That is not good! It makes life harder when it shouldn’t be.

That’s why our main goal here at Skintherapy to help people with acne get better. The best way to do that is to let us guide you with the right products and routine so that your skin gets clear and STAYS clear.

That’s our promise to you.
Look into booking an appointment here today and you won’t be disappointed.

Triggers for acne come in a variety of different forms, as you have probably experienced in your lifetime. Sometimes it seems like these triggers are random and incoherent, whereas other times you generally know when you expect a breakout and about how long it will last. The most frustrating part about having acne is a lot of times, breakouts totally catch you by surprise.


In this post, we want to help you recognize triggers before they cause a breakout so that you can avoid acne and have as clear skin as possible.


1. Too much sun exposure


Summer is now here and we can’t stress enough the importance of sunscreen. Sunscreen should be applied liberally and often. Not only does it help breakouts, but it also helps acne scars become less red and inflamed. Make sure the sunscreen you use doesn’t have any comedogenic ingredients, but besides that, just make sure to use it every time you are outside, especially if it is hot and sunny, but also if it cloudy. (The sun’s UV rays can penetrate cloud cover!) Protecting yourself from the sun isn’t just important to protect your acne-prone skin, but also to protect aging skin. Nobody wants leathery looking skin caused by sun damage.


2 .Food with lots of hormones (androgens, soy, milk)


Hormonal acne (usually characterized by breakouts on the chin and jawline) is one of the most common types of acne. It can be greatly exacerbated by eating foods that also have lots of of hormones, which trigger an imbalance in the body and cause more overproduction of sebum on the skin, which equals breakouts. Foods like soy and milk are densely laden with hormones and should be avoided at all cost. Androgens, another hormone, are present in mostly meat, but especially present in organ meats.


3. Salon facials


You may be at a salon getting a mani-pedi when the cosmetologist offers a relaxing facial to complete the package. Without ever having one before, you are not sure what to expect, but you agree because it sounds nice. When she gets to the facial, you are asked to sit back and rest your head on the back of your chair. Lotions and oils are rubbed into your face. As the oily  perfumed lotions are massaged into your skin, you may to relax a bit. Finally at the conclusion of the facial, your cosmetologist comments “Oh and if you breakout later, that is just the facial bringing toxins to the surface of the skin to get them out of your pores.” Which could be true for some people, but for someone with acne, this has more to do with the fact that lots of oil and lotion on the skin clogs pores and causes acne flares. Breakouts are caused when skin overproduces dead skin cells and sebum. Add massaging oils to the mix and you might experience an unpleasant flare-up. Our best advice would be to just avoid the facials at your next nail/eyebrow/hair appointment.


4. Foods high Glycemic on the Index


Acne often starts on the inside out, so to truly beat it, you want to be conscious of decisions you make when choosing what to consume. You probably have heard about the evils of carbs and sugars, but did you know they are also linked to acne? Research has shown that in individuals that have acne, when they eat foods high in sugar and carbohydrates, it spikes insulin. This usually only happens  people who have diabetes, but for some reason, those with acne are also affected. The difference is, for acne-sufferers, the symptoms are not those of a diabetes, but rather a worsening of acne symptoms.


5. Heavy drugs


When we say heavy drugs, we are mostly talking about those prescribed for acne specifically, but this can also mean narcotics as well. So called “acne drugs” like Accutane only work as long as they are being taken and the tolls of their use have been documented to be unhealthy at best and dangerous at worst. Some dermatologists recommend antibiotics to “fight the bacteria on the skin” but long-term use of these drugs also causes health problems.


The best thing you can do for your skin is find a process that works on the skin (topical) and a lifestyle that helps you make healthy skin choices, including those mentioned in this article.


For more information on how to clear your acne, talk to someone who has true experience in helping people accomplish their dream of clear skin and book a consultation with the acne experts at Skintherapy today.


In today’s day and age, people and teenagers alike tend to gravitate toward quick fixes and easy cures. The only problem with that is acne can’t be cured with a pill or antibiotic. Those solutions are usually only temporary and can cause health problems if used long-term.
Many doctors and dermatologists prescribe drugs like Lymecycline and Doxycycline, which work temporarily, but once the last round of drugs have been consumed, acne comes back. It’s not advisable to consistently take drugs like these for long periods of time as they can cause antibiotic resistance and other health issues. These antibiotics kill excess bacteria on the skin, but they do not reach the underlying cause of acne. They also cause uncomfortable side effects like upset stomach, dizziness, and can increase sun sensitivity. And yet, this is the solution that some people choose simply because they don’t see another way.
The root cause of acne is that acne sufferer’s skin cells shed far more than the average person’s, especially when it comes to excessively oily skin like that of a teenager’s. Someone who does not have acne sheds skins cells typically once per day. A person with acne will shed skin cells up to 7 times per day. And the cause of this shedding? It stems from hereditary factors. If you have acne, it comes from your genes and as you can imagine, those are hard to alter. Drugs like Accutane, antibiotics, and even birth control are only short-term solutions. Solutions whose side-effects can be dangerous in the long-term, not work efficiently for the entire duration of their consumption, and if they do work, only work for short periods of time.
What most people don’t realize is that their acne can be cleared using methods of lifestyle change and consistently applying the correct products in the right amounts with the best ingredients.
Acne is embarrassing and can cause lack of confidence and motivation. Not only does it impact daily life, but it is also painful to deal with. The scars it can leave behind seem like a permanent reminder of not being good enough. But acne is no one’s fault. If you are reading this, you have found a new way to deal with it and a way to achieve clear skin you never thought was possible.
Our acne experts are knowledgeable in the actual source of acne and the processes that work for clearing it. We start with a one on one consultation where we look at your skin and advise lifestyle changes that could be affecting the skin like foods, hair products, and makeup. Then we offer product recommendations that will work best to clear the skin. We prepare a detailed routine for each individual that we see so that you know exactly what to do and how to use the products the most effectively. Once your daily routine is established, we are able to help the process with bi-weekly appointments to review your skin’s progress and help it along with chemical peels and other therapies to ensure your success and stop the advancement of blackheads and whiteheads before they have the chance to start.
This process was designed and perfected by Skincare Specialist and Master Esthetician Jil Goorman over the last eight years. The difference between seeing a doctor for your acne and visiting our clinic is that we have the time to spend with clients to truly understand their skin and what it takes to improve it.
Each case is different and yours is no exception. Drugs are not the only answer when it comes to treating acne. No one has to suffer this condition alone, futilely attempting to treat the mystery that acne can seem like at times. Skintherapy is here to help clear your skin and keep it that way, no matter what age you are. Check out our website for more info at

What Most People Don’t Realize

Most over-the-counter acne medications contain pore-clogging ingredients that actually make acne worse instead of better. If you take the time like we did and read the ingredient lists on the back of common acne products, you would realize that many of them contain pore-cloggers.

In this post, we’ll be reviewing some of the most popular over-the-counter acne products and detailing exactly why they don’t work. The truth is, many big corporate acne product companies want consumers to believe that they will solve a problem for acne sufferers, when in reality, they only make them worse.

The True Causes of Acne

You may have heard that acne is caused by bacteria. Germs and microbes infect the pores and that is what causes acne. Or that acne is caused by not keeping the area clean enough.

The reality is, acne is not the simple. If acne were as simple as a bacterial infection, everyone could just take antibiotics, keep the area dry and sterile, and their skin would clear up eventually. If acne were caused by not cleansing the skin enough, then all anyone would have to do would be buy more aggressive cleansers and use then more than twice a day. The problem is that acne is far more complex than that.

Acne is hereditary and hormonal. It can’t be made to go away just by using strong disinfectants, medications, or aggressive cleansers. These solutions to acne usually just end up giving the acne sufferer painfully dry skin, or worse.

The acne-causing genes make it so pores overproduce oil, dead skin cells, and sebum. These genes are also especially susceptible to androgens and hormones, which create a high turnover rate of these cells. When cells are overproducing and there’s a high turnover rate, the pores become so clogged that breakouts are inevitable.

When you realize that the cause of acne is pores that are just too clogged, it makes perfect sense that products that contain pore-cloggers simply won’t do the job. Acne is caused by pores becoming congested and inflamed with oil and dead skin cells. Adding more oil and pore clogging ingredients in a recipe for disaster and further acne problems.

Popular Products that Cause Breakouts

Not every product line or acne treatment available believes that pore-cloggers are an issue. Many OTC or mail order products don’t buy into the theory that acne is caused by clogged pores, therefore, they contain ingredients that clog pores and cause more inflamed acne.

Over-the-counter treatments are popular because, while some of them do contain acne fighting elements such as salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide, unfortunately, these do little to prevent pores becoming clogged deep down under the skin.

Here are some popular acne products that contain pore cloggers:

Includes sodium laureth sulfate in its formula, which causes breakouts.

Myristic acid and lauric acid are also pore cloggers and will do more harm than good when it comes to clearing skin.

Contains ethylhexyl palmitate is a pore clogger.

Clean and Clear
Has algae extract, which is a pore clogging ingredient. According to reviews voted “most helpful” on their online retail store, the product did nothing for customers but break them out even more.

Best Practice

Before using any acne product, it is always a good idea to consult the ingredient list (actives and inactives) to find out if there are any pore cloggers. Don’t buy into the idea that just because a product seems popular means that it is effective. Oftentimes, it is the opposite

The best method for clearing acne is realizing that it’s a journey that takes time and patience. Having someone guide you through the struggle is what we suggest because treating acne is not easy. But clearing acne is possible, with the right products and the right system.

Taking care of your skin doesn’t have to start with blind trial and error. If you are reading this, you are on the right path.

Click here to read more and find out why Skintherapy is the best solution for clearing acne

Want to know some secrets to clear skin? Read on for solid advice on how to keep bothersome acne from intruding on your life.

1. Working Out: Good for Your Body and Your Skin

New year, new you, right? The gym is a great place to develop strength and fitness, but did you know it is also good for your skin? According to dermatologist Ellen Marmur, working out promotes blood circulation, which carries oxygen and nutrients to the skin, cleansing it from the inside. Take special precautions though, because if you don’t cleanse or wipe sweat and dirt off your skin after a workout, you may be in for a breakout.

2. Thinking of Starting a New Diet? Try eating more Omega-3s!

Omega-3s have been around since the dawn of time. They exist in foods like blueberries, walnuts, and spinach. So-called “health foods” and natural products like leafy veggies. Rather than calling them "health foods," which sounds like something only your personal trainer would eat, we should just be calling them everyday foods. Omega-3s are important for a healthy life, but they are also vital to clear skin. Here is another article detailing why they are so important, but mostly just remember that there is a balance to clean eating and clear skin and omega-3s could be the missing link.

3. Getting Those Zzzs is More Important than You Think

Researchers say that for every hour of sleep you lose, body function goes down by 14%. That’s a lot, considering how much you need your body to operate at prime levels to live a good, happy life. One of the first things to go when you lose out on sleep is your body’s ability to revitalize your skin. That’s why after a night of no sleep, your face looks splotchy and sunken in. It can also cause breakouts if you are consistently not sleeping well or long enough. Try relaxing meditations before bedtime so you can snooze easier.

4. Drink More Water!

Drinking water helps your skin remove toxins. Researchers at UW Health in Madison, WI say that “Your skin is an organ, just like any other part of the body. Skin cells, just like any other cell, are made up of water. Without water, the organs will certainly not function at their best.” Many people report that after drinking lots of water, their skin has a radiant glow. As if there weren’t enough reasons to drink plenty of water, there’s one more: healthy, beautiful skin!

5. Meet Your New Best Friend: A Professional Esthetician

Many people who suffer from acne turn to dermatologists to help with their skin, only to find that their skin doctor may not have time to see them as often as they need to achieve the desired results. Others figure they might as well try the store brand products or even the ones they see in commercials on TV. Both end up with the same result: you still have acne, only this time, you’re wallet is lighter and your skin hasn’t changed, or may even be worse off than it was before. This is why it is vital for you to start working with someone who really knows what they’re doing when it comes to your skin. Jil Goorman founder of Skintherapy Skincare and Acne Clinic knows what it takes to clear unwanted acne and she’s had success with hundreds of clients. There’s a lot to be said about working with a professional who has the time, knowledge, and products that will give you the clear, beautiful skin you desire.

6. Cleansing 2x a Day is Key

Your daily routine is an important factor in the health of your body and skin. While there are many things to remember when trying to keep your skin clear, one of the most important is that you wash your face twice a day; once in the morning when you wake up, and once at night before you fall asleep. This ensures your skin is clean for the rest of the day and that it is also clean for a good night’s sleep. Clean skin is crucial to clear skin. Just this one habit will dramatically improve the quality of your skin.

7. Your Hair Product and Your Acne

If you have long hair, it tends to touch your face more than you realize. And if your hair products have pore-cloggers like the ones listed in this article, you are sure to experience more breakouts. Just be aware of not only what you’re using on your face, but also what’s going on your hair as well. Products like this are sure to keep your skin clear and your hair soft and luxurious.

Who doesn’t love a delicious slice of pizza on a Friday night? Or an appetizing cheeseburger while out to lunch with friends? Greasy foods have become a staple called “American Food” and rightly so. There’s nothing more American than throwing some hot dogs on the grill and serving them up for the whole neighborhood. These types of foods are delicious. That’s why they’re so popular. The only problem is they’re heavy in omega 6 essential fatty acids and incredibly laden with grease and other ingredients that aren’t conducive to a healthy diet or healthy skin.

Let’s take pizza, for example. Pizza is usually made with iodized salt, which aggravates acne. Another prime ingredient (or culprit, if you will) in pizza is cheese. Cheese contains dairy, which contains IG1 or insulin-growth factor and over 60 different hormones. These hormones occur naturally whether the cow is organically raised, fed, etc. or not.  Since all cows which produce milk are pregnant all milk products are laden with extra hormones naturally.  Extra hormones competing with human hormone levels means more breakouts for the acne prone person.

As you can see, it’s not as cut and dry as “Do greasy foods make me break out?” as much as “What ingredients in food could make me break out?”

Internally, greasy foods don’t do much for you health-wise, as I’m sure we’re all aware. Externally, greasy foods can give you a nice little breakout around your lips, cheeks, and chin if you’re not careful, as grease is great at clogging pores. This is not to say you should avoid these foods altogether. Just be aware of how often and how much you consume them. Plus take an interest in what other ingredients these foods might contain. Iodized salt, Canola Oil, Soy Bean Oil, Milk products etc., are all known aggravators of acne.

While we suggest reducing the amounts of greasy foods you enjoy you might consider adding supplements to your daily routine also. Even if you already have a good handle on what foods you consume and just want to add something to help with your acne, you might want to consider taking the following vitamins and supplements.

Healthy Skin Formula
Healthy Skin Formula is a vitamin supplement cocktail that has been recommended by skin care professionals for over 15 years. It’s got zinc, vitamin A, selenium, and more to boost your skin’s health and beauty.

Fish Oil
Earlier in this article, I mentioned how American foods are high in omega 6. Omega 6s are highly inflammatory, and therefore cause a lot of acne in adults and young adults. Fish Oil contains omega 3, which balances out all the inflammation in your diet. It helps calm acne and gets your skin clear faster.

Culturelle Probiotic
Want to help your digestion in the best way possible? Include Culturelle Probiotic in your diet. It aids in digestion and adds good bacteria and probiotics to your system. Probiotics are good for reducing breakouts and can help those who have been on long-term antibiotics.

For more help in creating the best lifestyle for clear skin, visit our office 1817 S Main Street, #18 Salt Lake City, UT 84115. Or click here to book your appointment today.

If you have acne and you’re not sure how to treat it, there are a lot of questions running through your mind constantly. There’s a lot of wondering if something you did or ate yesterday will make you break out today. Or if something you put on your skin today will make you break out tomorrow.

This post is to help set the record straight when it comes to one important factor in clearing your acne: cleansing your skin.

Many store-bought cleansers work for a person with a normal skin type. But here’s the truth, most of those cleansers will not work for someone with acne because they contain comedogenic ingredients that clog your pores and make you break out. You need something to wash your face with that is guaranteed not to cause breakouts.

Luckily, we have just the right cleanser for you. Our Gentle Wash is a one-stop face wash. It’s gentle enough to use twice a day, no matter your skin type and is even safe to use to remove eye makeup (or even a little vaseline goes a long way as well.) There aren’t a lot of cleansers out there that can accomplish such a feat. This one really takes the cake for its effectiveness in clearing out impurities without drying out your skin.

Depending on your skin type and the type of acne you have, you can find relief from acne with other cleansers we carry as well. The BPO Wash is one of our most popular cleansers. Not only is it noncomedogenic, but it is also great for those whose skin tends to be more oily and suffer with breakouts that are inflamed, red and very irritated with cysts and whiteheads.

For non-inflamed acne like blackheads and bumps from ingrown hairs, BPO Scrub is perfect for making rougher skin silky smooth. It is intended to refine bumps and acne underneath the skin  but is not recommended for inflamed acne, like cysts or whiteheads.  This cleanser is best for oily skin because it contains benzoyl peroxide.

In situations where red marks and acne are present, but your skin is not that oily the Exfoliating Face and Body Scrub is an amazing option because of its ability to clear away rought texture, dead skin cells and lighten red marks and pigmentation. Perfect for both body and face acne plus those pesky bumps on the back of arms.

The truth is, you need 3 things to properly cleanse your skin.

-Good product. Something you know for sure has good ingredients that don’t include pore-cloggers.

-Consistency. You will be most successful if you commit to consistently washing your face twice a day, morning and night, and using toner if you sweat in between the washing.

-Professional guidance. The number one best thing you can do for your skin is to talk to someone who knows best how to clear it. Skintherapy provides you with an action plan to complete all three of these steps, efficiently and effectively. You’ll no longer have to worry if some part of your daily life or routine is what’s causing your breakouts. You will be in good hands, as we know exactly how to clear your skin and keep it that way.

For more information and to set up your appointment, visit the link here at Our office is located at 1817 south main street, #18 Salt Lake City, UT 84115. Reach out to us at 801-800-6602 or [email protected].

Many people who suffer from face acne may also, unfortunately, suffer from acne on their body. Although they are not mutually exclusive, often if you find yourself with one, you might also find yourself dealing with another.

Similar to face acne, body acne cannot be “cured” but can only be treated. And best of all, the effects can be lessened with a few careful precautions and some means of dedicated treatment.

So before you reach for the prescriptions or miracle cures, take a look at the list below at potential irritants and best-known treatments for body acne.

1. Friction

When it comes to acne on your back, chest, and shoulders, friction could be the culprit. Particularly in places where a strap for a backpack or purse rubs against your skin. Another thing you want to avoid is tight clothing. Not only is there a lot of friction when clothes are too tight, but they also don’t allow your skin to breathe. Sweat and dirt can easily become trapped in the pores and cause nasty breakouts.

2. Laundry Detergent

One big thing you can do to lessen breakouts
has to do with how well rinsed your laundry is. Detergent can be a pretty big factor in acne flare-ups. A way to avoid this irritant is to rinse your clothes twice in the washer before placing them in the dryer, or just simply use less detergent. Fragrance-free detergents are the best at helping your skin stay clear, and another good thing to do is change bedsheets and pillowcases at least once a week.

3. Clean shirts

If you’re anything like most people, you might not think twice about throwing a shirt you’ve worn once back onto a hanger in the closet to be worn again. But this exact thing might just be the reason you’ve been having such a hard time calming all the bacne (and various other forms of body acne.)

Try wearing a new shirt every day and even changing into a clean shirt at night before you go to bed, especially if you use treatments and products on your skin that you don’t want to spread all over your bed sheets. While we’re on the topic of changing shirts, do you workout? Because if so, driving home in sweaty clothes probably isn’t doing your skin any favors. Try wiping your body off with some pads soaked in toner at the gym and then changing into a clean shirt after your workout to avoid all that sweat staying on your skin any longer than necessary. And ladies, if you haven’t in awhile, don’t forget to wash your bras.

4. Hair Products

It’s a fact that some hair products have ingredients that can be great for hair but can be comedogenic for the rest of your body (especially your back) once they start running down.To avoid this, buy hair products that don’t have pore cloggers in them and pin your hair up in the shower so conditioned hair is not rubbing on your skin, basically just adding more oil to your pores. Make sure your body wash is acne safe and noncomedogenic and save washing your body for the end of your shower.

5. Exercise

The basic rule of thumb is that if you have body acne, you want to avoid excessive amounts of sweat sitting on your skin too long. This tip is definitely not meant to deter you from working out as long and as hard as you please, just bear in mind that the longer sweat stays on your skin, the more likely you are to break out. It’s important to get the sweat off immediately. A shower isn’t always an option, but having toner pads to wipe off excess perspiration helps a ton.

All of these are great things to keep in mind when considering how best to deal with embarrassing body acne, but nothing is going to help more than some good noncomedogenic products and a set treatment plan.

Right now, during the first week of December 2017, we will be launching our Body Acne Starter Kit! We’re excited to have this opportunity to help our readers and followers gain more control over their stubborn body acne with nonpore clogging products. Included in the body acne kit will be the following:

1-8 oz bottle of our BPO wash
2-1 oz bottles of 10% acne cream
2-1 oz bottles of our Exfoliating Serum #3
1-1.7 oz bottle of our Moisture Cream
1-2.5 oz bottle of our Sun Guard SPF
The first 50 kits sold will also get FREE toner!

The Body Acne Kit also includes step by step directions on how to use the products and lifestyle guidelines to help you get on the path to clear skin. To find more info on this promotion and other acnegrams, follow us on Instagram at @utahacneclinic. If you are looking for a way to speed up the process of clearing your unwanted acne, schedule an appointment at our clinic located in Northern Utah. We will set you up with a deep cleaning and extractions to get your skin more clear and beautiful than you ever thought possible.

The definition of oxidative stress is “an imbalance between the production of free radicals and the ability of the body to counteract or detoxify their harmful effects through neutralization by antioxidants.”

But what does that mean in correlation to your acne?

Studies have shown that oxidative stress is caused by foods and other consumed substances (like cigarettes, for example) that promote inflammation and adversely affect acne.

Some of the oxidative stress-inducing fare includes things like hydrogenated fats, alcohol, high amounts of sugar, preservatives, drugs, chlorinated water, pesticides, and pollutants (of water, air, or food.)

Oxidation reduces your body’s ability to cope with toxins and pollutants, forcing your body into a state of stress. Stress can happen under physical or emotional circumstances as well and can damage cells, proteins, and even DNA. As you can imagine, this can cause many health problems, including; fatigue, acne, headaches, susceptibility to infections, and even cancer.

So what can be done to combat the impact of oxidative stress on your health and your skin?

Nutritional medicine is becoming an apparent method of dealing with and healing many of the negative processes in the body that cause many ailments. It is believed by researchers and scientists studying acne, that diet is strongly correlated to the appearance of acne and breakouts.

Studies show that higher antioxidant intake combats the derisive effects of the Westernized diet, which includes mostly omega 6 and hardly any omega 3 (which are the dietary antioxidants) and improves health and skin problems caused by oxidative stress.

The word ‘antioxidant’ has become a medical buzzword. And for good reason! It is something sorely missed in our modernized diet, as antioxidants mainly exist in nutrients like vitamin A and vitamin E. Studies at a university in India found that oral vitamins E and A taken daily led to significant improvements among young adults with long-term acne.

While the supplements are great to take, they should be taken under controlled supervision to ensure safety. However, there are many foods that can be implemented into your diet that provide a similar benefit.

These foods include:

It is common for oxidative stress to cause many serious health problems, including acne. It is important to note that the less fast food you eat and more foods rich in antioxidants you consume, the better off your skin and body will be.

These foods and supplements mentioned in this article, will not only help your skin but will tackle problems that go much deeper, resulting in a healthier anatomy on top of clearer skin.

For even better results in clearing your acne, reach out to us for a consultation with a professional esthetician who can guide you with the correct vitamin dosages, lifestyle changes, and treatment plan for your acne. Here is the link to try out a way to clearer skin and a healthier way of dealing with acne today.

If you have acne and have ever smoked or had a habit of smoking, there are some interesting facts that you should know. By this point, you’ve probably heard everything there is to know about the ill-effects that smoking tobacco has on your body, but what about the effects it has on your acne?

On top of that, what about the effects of smoking other substances, like marijuana? Today, we’ll be sharing some insight on what those effects are and how they relate to your breakouts.


In 2001, the first official study of the correlation between smoking and acne was done by Dr. Torsten Schafer at the University of Munich. Before that, the theory that smoking could affect acne wasn’t really paid all that much attention.

What Dr. Schafer found was that 1) acne is most prevalent in smokers and 2) there is an unmistakable relationship between the number of cigarettes smoked and the severity of the acne.

One of the chemical reactions in a person’s body is that of stress. Some may even smoke to alleviate said stress. But smoking increases oxidative stress and does one other interesting thing to the human body: increases testosterone.

Smokers have as much as 15% higher testosterone in their bodies. Testosterone increases the production of sebum in the skin, which creates an overproduction of dead skin cells, clogging up pores and causing breakouts.


According to an article by the Huffington Post in 2013, marijuana has some of the same chemical reactions in the body as tobacco. The most notable being that it causes a significant increase in testosterone, and therefore sebum production in the skin. For marijuana smokers, the percentage of testosterone was in the range of 3-5%, which is a significantly smaller percentage than that of the average tobacco user but still may cause breakouts.

Another factor relating to acne when it comes to smoking marijuana is that it may cause you to reach for sugary snacks. There is definitely a link between acne and high glycemic index foods, so that is something to keep in mind.

Also, be aware of the laws in your country/state when using this substance.


There hasn’t been a lot of long-term research done on vaping in general, but as it stands now, for people who were heavy smokers before vaping, there seems to be a significant decrease in breakouts. Whereas for people who never smoked before, vaping sometimes aggravates acne.

Vaping does cause chemical reactions in the body, of course, and any change in lifestyle might cause some disturbances in your skin, but all in all, the jury is still out on how vaping affects acne.

While smoking tobacco is one of the worst things you can do for your acne, switching to a vape can help decrease breakouts. When it comes to marijuana, be wise of local laws and bear in mind that for most, it still causes acne to flare up.

Most use smoking as a means to alleviate stress, and while it may have some short-term upsides, the downsides outweigh them by a landslide. Consider quitting smoking for all of the health benefits--including healing your acne.

International research has shown that lack of sleep is one of the biggest aggravators when it comes to acne (The Clear Skin Diet, Alan C. Logan and Valori Treloar.) When you are sleep deprived, your adrenal glands, levels of cortisol, and insulin levels are disrupted. This makes you more stressed, less likely to get a good night’s sleep, and creates more skin and acne problems.

The trick to getting better quality sleep (and more of it) is to create a relaxing environment in your bedroom. You want to feel like your bedroom is a space of quiet tranquility, away from the world. This space should be free of clutter and distractions. Let your bedroom be your oasis.

Now that you’ve done that, here are 4 tips to helping you get into better, more healthy sleep patterns.

Ditch the Daytime Naps

When you nap, especially in the afternoon, this can disturb your regular sleep cycle and make it harder to fall asleep at night. It may cause you to toss and turn for a lengthy period of time, or even make it impossible to fall asleep at all. As tempting as it is to take a quick nap in the afternoon, it will help keep your skin get clearer if you don’t.

Go to Sleep at the Same Time Every Night

Sleep schedules are paramount when it comes to getting adequate sleep. You want to make sure you’re getting a good 7-8 hours each night. To do this, try going to sleep when you start feeling tired and letting yourself wake up naturally. This will give you a good indication of how many hours of sleep you need to feel good. Allow yourself to get that much sleep every night.

Cut Back on Drinks and Food at Night

Heavy meals definitely don’t help you feel comfortable at night when you’re trying to get your relaxing on, so try to avoid them. It is intuitive to avoid caffeine in the evening but you also want to avoid using alcohol to help you fall asleep. Best to put the bottle away 4-6 hours before bedtime.

Read a Book Before Bedtime Instead of Your Phone

An excellent way that I have found to prime me get to sleep at night is to put my phone away 30-45 minutes before bed. Instead, reading a book is a better way to calm the mind into relaxation and forget about the worries of the day. It will also help to loosen up your muscles and prime your body for a good night’s rest.

While sleep is one of the most important, yet most often overlooked ways to help get your skin clear, the number one most important thing you can do for your skin is to get customized products and regimen to get your skin acne-free. We know how important it is in decreasing stress when you don’t have to worry about how your skin looks. That’s why we are here to help! Click here to set up an appointment with our world class estheticians and see how we can help you get your skin clear today.

Understandably, one of the most common misconceptions when it comes to acne is that it can be easily treated by taking the pill. I mean, acne is caused by hormone imbalances and birth control has some of those same hormones in it, so that should help, right?
Not exactly. When it comes to your acne, you’re looking at a long list of potential causes. Not all of them are hormone related.
The number one cause of acne has nothing to do with hormones and has everything to do with your genetics. Most people are simply born with acne. And unfortunately, that can’t be fixed by taking a pill.
It is a dangerous game when it comes to trying to treat acne with birth control. Because of the varying amounts of hormones in each brand of pill, there are some that are more likely to trigger breakouts than others. But, as a general rule, it can be a little tricky to get the right one that won’t make your acne worse instead of better.
Here is a list of birth controls and their side effects when it comes to potentially helping or hurting your acne.
The truth is, if there were a little pill that you could take to completely rid your skin of acne, I would wholeheartedly recommend it to you. I’ve worked with people suffering from acne so long and tried so many different methods of treating it that a single pill would be a life changer for many of my clients.
In reality, acne doesn’t usually work that way. Your skin needs a lot of one on one attention to become completely clear. There isn’t a magical pill you can take that will vanquish your acne once and for all. The tried and true methods take time and patience.
My clinic cares about getting your skin clear. We want our clients to feel confident and successful when it comes to controlling their acne. We have created not only a line of products to ensure the clarity of your skin, but we have also devised a treatment plan that works on a variety of skin types. Even better is the fact that if you need to be on birth control, for birth control reasons---then we help you find an acne safe pill.
If you are tired of searching for a miracle pill to correct your acne, try seeing us today. We will treat you like the individual you are, instead of giving you a blanket method to see if it helps. We know how to treat acne in a way and it’s not a gamble like taking the pill.

Now that summer is finally here, we all get to relax and spend our days stretched out beside a pool or beach, drink in hand. Or at least, that’s what we wish we could be doing all summer. It’s hard to resist outdoor adventures when the weather is beautiful and the days are long and seemingly endless.

Here’s the thing though: not to be a damper on your summer, but you’ve got your skin think about. There is a lot that goes on in the summer sun that you need to be aware of to protect your skin and prevent skin damage or potentially making your acne worse.

But we’ve got you covered. Here is a list of tips to help you get through the summer with happy, healthy skin.
1. Sunscreen

I started with this one because, while it is obvious that you should wear sunscreen while hanging out by the pool or being outside all day, what isn’t so obvious is that you should be wearing sunscreen all day, every day. Rain or shine. Inside or outside. The sun can be tricky, as UV rays can still damage your skin even if it’s cloudy or raining outside and UVA rays can come through your windows when you are inside.

The importance of sunscreen is tremendous, especially if you have acne. Long-term sun exposure can cause extreme dryness and can also cause breakouts.

To protect your skin, find a sunscreen that has a high SPF formula. It is also vital to avoid products that contain ingredients such as shea butter, as they can clog your pores and invite breakouts.

A prime example of a good sunscreen to use would be one like our Sun Guard SPF 30, as it has all the elements mentioned above without the pore-clogging effects of most supermarket products.

2. Occlude Your Skin When You Go Swimming

To occlude means to “block” or “stop up.” When I say you should occlude your skin, naturally that sounds counterintuitive to the first tip in this post, which is to avoid products that clog your pores, but let me explain.

When you go swimming, iodides in pools and salt in the ocean can dry your skin out excessively. Not to mention bacteria and germs floating around just waiting to sink into your poor, unsuspecting pores.

Therefore, you must protect your skin by using products like Aquaphor before entering a swimming pool, ocean, or any body of water containing iodides or salt. This will help your skin stay safe from drying, bacteria, and iodides, which are harmful and can cause acne to flare up.

 3. No Sweat

Of course sweating is a natural byproduct of summer. Being outside is one of the best parts about this time of year. But did you know that letting your sweat sit on your skin can cause breakouts? Because it definitely can.

Acne is caused by an overproduction of sebum and dead skin cells. Sexy, right? Especially when you want to look good in a new outfit when you’re on your way to a summer pool party. But when you let sweat sit on your skin, it invites more dirt, bacteria and other unwanted particles to stick and get stuck in your pores.

Do yourself a favor and grab a good acne safe toner.  You can take a couple cotton pads soaked in toner with you anywhere and wipe away that sweat and dirt as you go. This is perfect for hikes, working out, or just a day out and about in the sun.

4. Suntanned or Sunburned?

When you’re at the pool or the beach this summer and your friend inevitably hands you a bottle of SPF 14 with coconut oil, you’re going to have a choice to make. You can either take that bottle and throw it into the nearby ocean, or you can slather it on your skin and hope for the best.

My recommendation is that you do neither and bring your own sunscreen. To ensure the health of your skin, you must avoid sunburns at all costs.

It’s imperative for many reasons, but the most important being that sunburns break down the pore, cause extreme dryness, and of course, cause skin cancer.

Don’t make the same mistakes that other people do with their skin; when it comes to sunbathing, you can still get a tan by using a high SPF sunscreen. It will protect your skin and potentially save your life.

But most of all, enjoy the weather and we hope these tips help you stay safe and keep your skin healthy this summer.

For more information and skincare tips make sure to read the rest of our blog under the education section at

Do you struggle with acne? Every year, thousands of people invest in a variety of acne treatments including over-the-counter products, prescription creams, antibiotics, and even Accutane. According to this study done in 2016 by the Society for Investigative Dermatology and the American Academy of Dermatology Association, Statistic Brain Research Institute, the total annual spending on acne treatments in the U.S. was $3,020,000,000!

This is what the top acne prescription treatments by annual sales looked like…

1 Isotretinoin (Accutane) $1,200,000,000
2 Oral Contraceptives (Birth Control Pills like Ortho Tri-Cyclen) $421,000,000
3 Oral Antibiotics (Vibramycin) $150,000,000
4 Dapsone (Aczone) $140,000,000
5 Spironolactone $118,000,000
6 Adapalene (Differin) $91,000,000
7 Tazarotene (Tazorac) $90,000,000
8 Tretinoin (Retin-A) $88,000,000
9 Azelaic Acid (Azelex) $85,000,000
10 Benzoyl Peroxide (Benzac AC) $45,000,000
11 Clindamycin (Cleocin T) $70,000,000
12 Erythromycin (Benzamycin) $70,000,000
13 Sodium Sulfacetamide (Klaron) $19,000,000

If people are spending this much money on acne treatments every year, why are they not seeing better success rates with clearing their acne?

I can personally attest that 90% of the people who come into my acne clinic have already tried clearing their acne with oral antibiotics or some form of Clindamycin and Tretinoin.
Beyond that, around 50% have tried Accutane more than once. We know that acne can be challenging to treat and that's why so many acne sufferers are still frustrated and discouraged when it comes to finding an acne treatment that really delivers results and helps them feel better about their skin.

As a Master Esthetician, I have a good idea why these patients are not getting their acne cleared. I know what works for people and what doesn’t, based on years of treating acne in a completely different manner than your average Dermatologist does. What I have to say is by no means me throwing your medical doctor under the bus---this is just what I have discovered through years of research and development.

Your dermatologist is incredibly busy. Most dermatologists are scheduled out three to six months in advance, with only enough time to see an individual a few times a year. They don't just treat acne--they diagnose and treat more than 3,000 different diseases. These diseases include skin cancer, eczema, psoriasis, and nail infections. If we look at the 3,000 different diseases these doctors treat, some are even life threatening. But acne is different. Yes, acne is a hassle and embarrassing to most, but it is not life threatening. Doctors tend to think of it as mere cosmetic misfortune.
Many people are under the impression that acne needs to be treated by making a visit to their doctor or dermatologist, where they will get on some antibiotics and get their acne under control.
The truth is, acne treatments have made significant progress and almost any type of acne can be treated with some patience and an individualized treatment plan.

What I’m here to tell you is, you don’t need to turn to antibiotics or Accutane to clear your painful and discouraging acne. With a simple appointment, we can help you turn your acne into clear, beautiful skin you can be proud of.

At my office, we take the time to really understand your skin so we can recommend a home care plan that works best for you. Unlike the typical dermatologist visit, we make time to see you frequently and provide the fastest skin clearing regimen possible. With carefully designed products that are hand selected for your acne, we’re confident your skin will get clear and stay clear.

So come see us today and let’s get started!

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