Staph Infection...Commonly Mistaken for Acne

Red, painful, inflamed lesions on the face is this acne or something else??

Staphylococci Bacteria

Staphylococci bacteria can safely live on the skin's surface, and a article by Dr. Melissa Conrad Stöppler reports that the bacteria lives in the nose and on the skin of 20 percent to 30 percent of healthy adults. Unless provoked by injury, wound, or some other damage to the skin, the bacteria does not threaten infection or disease. But if the skin is cut open in any place for any reason, the bacteria can get into the wound and cause a staph infection. There are more than 30 types of staphylococci bacteria (each able to cause different illnesses), but the type that causes staph infections is Staphylococcus aureus, or S. aureus.

Identification and Symptoms

Facial staph infections can appear in various forms, but the first signs that there might be a staph infection is if the skin shows something that looks like an open wound or sore that is red, swollen, painful and is draining  pus. Unlike acne, these lesions seem to grow together and become very large, hot to the touch and boil like in appearance. These lesions should never be extracted due to the fact that this bacteria is highly contagious and spreads easily.


Facial staph infections must be treated by a Doctor.  The doctor can diagnose the infection by taking a culture or blood sample. Once diagnosed, the staph infection will be treated with an oral antibiotic.

Skintherapy Skincare and Acne Clinic in Salt Lake City can help determine if you are suffering from Acne or one of it's "Imposters" like Staphylococci.

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